Join B2B Blue B2B Marketing Community

Join a global network of CMOs and marketing leaders. Knowledge-sharing, heaps of insights, and friendly chats on all things marketing are waiting for you at B2B Blue B2B Marketing Community.
B2B Blue: B2B Marketing Community

What Sets the B2B Marketing Community Apart?

1. Networking with Peers

We’ve carved out spaces to air your pressing questions—or even those that aren’t quite urgent—on all things B2B Marketing. From start-ups to leadership advice, growth to branding, and plenty more.

2. Events/ In-person Meetups

Stay in the loop with all things B2B Marketing, receiving updates on the freshest content, breaking news, and details about upcoming events.

3. Newsletter/Weekly Updates

When you get right down to it, it’s a fun, relaxed space for passionate top-level B2B marketers to connect and chat!

Why We Started B2B Blue B2B Marketing Community?

1. South to Rest of India

Most communities or publications are focused on cities like Mumbai and Delhi; we want to change that by starting to build the community from the Southern cities.

2. Enable Life-learning

We want the focus to shift to learning and networking, considering most publications focus on running and profiting from events.

3. B2B Focus

We want to narrow our focus on the B2B marketing community since they are underrepresented and are usually ignored by large publications.

Why Us?

1. We're Independent

We’ve operated as an independent news publication/blog since 2011 with the sole purpose of sharing what we’ve learned.

2. No Paid Agenda

We do not publish press releases or push out content that doesn’t benefit our readers.

3. Core Values

We follow two core principles: We don’t sell anything we don’t believe in and want to see cause and effect.

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